La Janda Legal S.L.P.
La Janda Legal S.L.P.
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2023-01-14 Video 1 Englisch
Notarization of a wrong purchase price –
a recurringtopic in Spain again and again
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Specialized law firm for
real estate law, inheritance law and tax matters
Enjoy the difference
Visitor Offices:
c/ Enólogos, 10
(esquina c/ Chiclana)
11140 Conil de la Frontera
Edificio Galia, planta 5
Avenida de Eduardo Dato 69
41005 Sevilla
Head office + postal address:
c/ Emilia Pardo Bazán, 9
11140 Conil de la Frontera
Cádiz, España
+34 856 145 507
+34 644 727 026